a toki pona dictionary based on semantic spaces

Last updated on 2022-09-23


hi welcome

this is very wip but i hope it's at least a bit useful

i intend to update this as i figure out more definitions

please keep in mind that i am not fluent and this is heavily influenced by my nasin nasa pi toki pona. it is extremely likely that at least one definition is incorrect based on common usage

lipamanka, a prominent member of ma pona pi toki pona, is working on a semantic dictionary as well.. and it will definitely be better than mine (they're actually debating with the community, meanwhile i have a sample size of 1). it's very wip at the moment, but the few definitions present are excellent! go check it out here

the main goal of this dictionary is to succinctly provide a solid understanding of the semantic space of toki pona words based off of the common understanding of them

when i was learning, i only had access to dictionaries that defined toki pona words by listing english synonyms. while sufficient for a basic understanding of each word, i often struggled to understand the actual semantic space of a word.

i've been slowly learning the semantic space of each word through scattered, small individual lessons and discussions. by making this dictionary, i hope to not only help myself fully understand what each toki pona word means, but to compile all of my knowledge in one place so that others can learn more easily.

uhh credit to the person who wrote this essay (it's in ma pona pi toki pona) for inspiring me! also there are some others scattered around during the same time frame that are good too

if you have any suggestions or corrections, i'd love to hear them! i'm adding a form for this website that you'll be able to send a message through; it's not ready, but in the meantime, you can find me in ma pona pi toki pona. as of writing, there isn't anyone impersonating me, so i should be pretty easy to find lmao

anyway yeah. mi wile e ni: sona ni li pona tawa sina :)

how to read the dictionary

by default, definitions are in noun form and describe the definition. anything in italics describe the word.

separate definitions are separated by a semicolon ;.

definitions are ordered by importance. the first definition is the main definition, defined by what i think embodies the meaning of the word the most. the other definitions are commonly understood alternate meanings, usually something common that the main definition frequently encompasses.

(future placeholder here! i no longer agree with the previous paragraph. definitions are equal)

the more question marks there are at the end of a definition, the more likely it is to be incorrect

the dictionary



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